Battus belus

Midnight Swallowtail or Belus Swallowtail

Basic Information

General information

Family: “Papilionidae”
Sub Family: “Papilioninae”
Estimated Lifespan 7 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 0
Total Number of Pupae Received: 581
First Flown On: 01/13/03
Last Flown On: 10/17/24

Species Range:

  • “NorthAmerica” “SouthAmerica”

Host plants:

  • Aristolochia

Food Source

The adults are nectar feeders. Males can be found puddling at stream edges in search of minerals and salts.


The butterfly can be found in rainforest and cloudforest habitats.

Life history

Eggs are laid in large clusters and the caterpillars feed gregariously.


This species can be found in flight year-round.

Fun Facts

The adults of this species are unpalatable to birds.