Charaxes brutus

White Barred Charaxes

Basic Information

General information

Family: “Nymphalidae”
Sub Family: “Charaxinae”
Estimated Lifespan 10 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 9
Total Number of Pupae Received: 920
First Flown On: 11/12/02
Last Flown On: 03/07/25

Species Range:

  • “Africa”

Host plants:

  • Grewia
  • Entandrophagma delevoi
  • Trichelia dregeana
  • Blighia unifugata
  • Ekebergia capensis

Food Source

This butterfly prefers to nectar from carrion and dung. It can sometimes be found nectaring from the rotten fruit dishes in the Wing.


The White-barred Charaxes is found in the higher rainfall regions of the forest in Southern Africa.

Life history

After mating females lay eggs singly on the upperside of the hostplant leaves. Caterpillars are solitary and feed and pupate on the on the hostplant.


There are multiple generations per year so this species can be found in flight year-round.

Fun Facts

The heads of the caterpillars look like masks with large horns.