Danaus chrysippus

Plain Tiger or African Monarch

Basic Information

General information

Family: “Nymphalidae”
Sub Family: “Danainae”
Estimated Lifespan 20 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 8
Total Number of Pupae Received: 1507
First Flown On: 10/14/02
Last Flown On: 10/12/24

Species Range:

  • “Africa” “Australia” “Asia”

Host plants:

  • Asclepias
  • Apocynum
  • Gomphocarpus
  • Ceropegia
  • Stapelia
  • Huernia
  • Calotropis
  • Caralluma spp.
  • Cynanchum
  • Ishchnochardtia australis
  • Kanahia
  • Leichardtia spp.
  • Leptadea
  • Marsdenia
  • Pentatropis atropurpurea
  • Peogularia
  • Plenrostelma cernuum
  • Raphistemma pulchellum
  • Schizoglossum spp.
  • Secamone spp.
  • Stathmostelma spp.
  • Tylophora spp.
  • Ipomoea bona-nox
  • Euphorbia spp.
  • Periploca linarifolia
  • Dyerophytum indicum
  • Rosa spp.
  • Erioglossum rubiginosum
  • Antirrhinum spp.
  • Aspidoglossum interruptum,

Food Source

The adults of this species feed on nectar from a variety of flowers.


This butterfly can be found in a variety of open habitats, including urban gardens.

Life history

Eggs are laid singly on the underside of the hostplant leaves.


This butterfly can be found in flight year-round except in the Himalayas were it is seasonal.

Fun Facts

This butterfly is unpalatable to birds.