Junonia almana

Peacock Pansy

Basic Information

General information

Family: Nymphalidae
Sub Family: Nymphalinae
Estimated Lifespan 36 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 0
Total Number of Pupae Received: 34
First Flown On: 02/19/16
Last Flown On: 05/31/24

Species Range:

  • Asia

Host plants:

  • The larvae are known to feed on Alternanthera philoxeroides and Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant).

Food Source

The adults will nectar from a variety of flowers but they really seem to enjoy Lantana.

Etymology Of Name

The origin of Junonia is currently unknown. The specie almana is currently unknown.


The Peacock Pansy is commonly found in low lying areas visiting gardens, the open country side, areas surrounding rice fields and road sides.

Life history

Males are believed to be territorial so they patrol their range waiting for females as they pass through. After mating the female searches for a host plant and then proceeds to lay several eggs per plant. After the caterpillars hatch from their eggs they feed on the host plant until they form their chrysalis.


Adults can be found flying almost all year round with the largest population and range between the months of April - October. The population seems to reach the highest numbers during the monsoon season.

Fun Facts

While the adult males and females are very similar in color, shape and pattern, this butterfly actually exhibits a great deal of seasonal variation. There is such a difference between the wet season and dry season varieties that they were originally believed to be two separate species.