The adults will feed on a variety of different flowers.
The genus Papilio is Latin for butterfly. Poly in the species is Greek for many or more.
The Common Mormon is primarily found in the open plains, especially in areas where the host plant is found. The Common Mormon seems to do very well in urban situations.
The male and female adults tend to be very active fliers especially while nectaring. After mating, the females visit host plants, laying their eggs one at a time. The larvae feed on the host plant until they pupate.
There are multiple broods each year making it possible to find adults flying almost all year round.
The Common Mormon is sexually dimorphic meaning the males and females look different from each other. Along with being sexually dimorphic the females are known to come in 3 different forms. One of those forms mimics Pachliopta aristolochiae (Common Rose) which is distasteful to predators.